Board-certified dermatologists providing exceptional service in medical and cosmetic dermatology for patients from all over Northwest Houston and Cypress.

Hair Loss Center of Excellence

Dermatologists are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of hair loss, also known as alopecia. All of our dermatologists have years of experience with alopecia. Hair loss can be a stressful and emotionally fraught medical issue to contend with. At Cypress Dermatology we will expertly diagnose the causes of your hair loss, which are often multifactorial, and help determine the best individualized treatment plan for you. Rest assured you and your hair are in the best hands possible at Cypress Derm.

Types Of Hair Loss

Alopecia areata

This is a disease that develops when the body attacks its own hair follicles (where hair grows from), which can cause hair loss anywhere on the body.

Female pattern hair loss

Is your part widening? Have you noticed that your ponytail is thinner these days? You may have female pattern hair loss (FPHL), a condition that affects millions of women. FPHL is actually the most-common cause of hair loss in women.

Frontal fibrosing alopecia

The medical name for hair loss is “alopecia.” Frontal fibrosing alopecia is a specific type of hair loss. It destroys the hair follicles (openings out of which hair grows), causing permanent hair loss. With an early diagnosis and medical treatment, it’s possible to stop the disease from progressing and causing further permanent hair loss.

Treatment For Hair Loss

How do dermatologists find out what’s causing hair loss?

To pinpoint the cause of your hair loss, a dermatologist begins by gathering information. Your dermatologist will:

  • Ask questions. It’s important to know how long you’ve had hair loss and whether it came on quickly.
  • Look closely at your scalp, nails, any other area with hair loss. This exam provides vital clues about what’s happening.
  • Test the health of your hair. Gently pulling on your hair tells your dermatologist a lot about how your hair is growing and whether it’s prone to breaking.


If your dermatologist suspects that the cause of your hair loss could be a disease, vitamin deficiency, hormone imbalance, or infection, you may need a blood test or scalp biopsy. These tests can be done in your dermatologist’s office.

Once your dermatologist has this information, it’s often possible to tell you what’s causing your hair loss.

Sometimes, your dermatologist needs more information. This might be the case if someone has more than one cause. For example, a woman may have had a baby a few months ago, and this may be causing obvious hair shedding. She may also have early hereditary loss, which isn’t so obvious.

PRP for Hair Loss

What is PRP?

PRP is a form of regenerative medicine created from a sample of your own blood. Your blood contains many components, including:

Plasma (liquid)
Red blood cells
White blood cells

When you have an injury, you may be aware that the platelets in your blood stop the bleeding by forming a blood clot. But these small cells also contain proteins, growth factors, and stem cells that initiate healing.

PRP contains a high concentration of platelets and has amazing healing and regenerative properties that rebuild everything from joints to hair to skin.

How does PRP for hair loss work?

PRP for hair loss and hair restoration is a viable, cutting-edge solution with little to no side effects or downtime. When injected into your scalp, the stem cells and healing properties in PRP prolong the growing phase of your hair cycle.

The growth factors in PRP also stimulate your dormant hair follicles to resume hair growth or create new hair follicles.

What can I expect during PRP for hair loss treatment?

Dr. Miller-Thrasher is an experienced cosmetic surgeon who develops personalized treatment plans for managing your hair loss. She reviews the details of your plan at your consultation so you know what to expect.

She performs your PRP for hair loss at the office. Initially, she draws a sample of blood from your arm. The blood is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the components, including the layer of PRP. Once your PRP is ready, she injects it into specific areas of your scalp.

How many PRP for hair loss treatments do I need?

Because hair grows in cycles, Dr. Miller-Thrasher recommends a series of PRP treatments to get the best results.

The number of treatments depends on the severity of your hair loss. She may suggest monthly PRP injections for the first three months, then continued injections every 3-4 months for up to two years.

You may notice more hair growth in the treated areas within the first three months.

For a cutting-edge solution for hair restoration, contact Innovative Women’s HealthCare Solutions by phone or online today.